When a user completes a CCH course, a certification of completion will be generated. The Certificates section allows you to view all of the certificates of completion for all of the users.
Select Browse Certifications under the Certificates section on the left menu to view users who have earned certificates.
- To narrow search selections, choose Not Grouped (which shows all documents), Required Course, Required Program, Required Program Section, Required Catalog, Required Certificate, or User Group from the drop-down menu to select your search category.
- Once a category is selected, choose a specific item from the right-hand drop-down menu.
- You may also choose to search by the Certificate ID, Certificate Name, User ID, Username, Last Name, First Name and Email Address. Choose an option from the drop-down menu and type in the search criteria in text field. Check the Partial Match box if you are unsure of the exact name of the item.
- You can also search for certificates that were Valid, Issued, Accessed, or Expired within a specified date range.
- You can either enter a date in the fields (dd/mm/yyyy) or select the calendar icon and then select the appropriate date.
- Select the Apply Filters to view all of the certificates that meet the search criteria.
- The table will list all of the certificates that users have earned along with the user's Name, Username, Issue Date, Access Date, and Expiration Date.