The system records all the course registrations for the users. This allows you to track a user's progress in a specific course or a group of courses. This is also a way to view which users are taking specific classes.
To view the registrations, select Browse Registrations under the Registrations section on the left menu. On the Filters tab of the Registration Browser screen
- To narrow search selections, choose Not Grouped (which shows all documents), Course, Program, Program Section, or Group from the drop-down menu.
- Once a category is selected, choose a specific item from the right-hand drop-down menu which will automatically populate based what you choose in the previous drop-down menu. For example, if you select Course then this drop- down will list all the available courses.
- You may also search by the Registration ID, User ID, Username, Last Name, First Name, Email Address, Course Code and Account Number. Choose an option from the drop-down menu and type in search criteria in the text field. Check the Partial Match box if you are unsure of the exact name of the item or would like to search for all registrations containing a specific word or name.
- You can also search for users whose status is Registered, Completed, or Expired between a specified date range.
- You can either enter a date in the fields (dd/mm/yyyy) or select the calendar icon beside the date fields and select the appropriate date using the calendar.