After you have searched for registrations on the Registration Browser screen, select a Registration ID to view specific details about a registration.
On the Registration Information screen, the first tab is Tasks. The Tasks tab allows you to view details regarding a user's progress in a course. The details listed here are similar to those of the User’s Transcript. The registration details include Registration Date, Completion Date, Last Attendance, Estimated Time, Final Score, and Status.
Course Progress
Select the Course Progress tab to view details about the user's progress in the course. This tab allows you to see specific information about which pages the users accessed and when. The table includes the Package ID, Page, Type, Title, Last Visit, Attempts, Last Attempt, Score, and Weight.
Page Events
Select the Page Events tab to view the specific details about each page that the user accessed in the course. The table includes the Timestamp, Session ID, Page, External Page and Duration.